Carbon Offsets
The CarbonSolutions team has the experience to assist clients with various GHG project aspects.

• We can develop offset projects specifically for your business
• Help legitimize reductions under development
• Identify and source quality carbon credits
• Assist in selling carbon credits from offset projects

As of April 2012, we have small portfolio of verified emission reductions available for purchase.

These include: 5,000 CRTs from a unique bioreactor project in North Florida. The lot price is USD 25,000 or USD 5 per tonne. It can be parceled out, at a slight adjustment in per unit price. See images of the project.

The Climate Reserve Tonnes (CRTs) in this lot carry the serial numbers CAR-1-US-454-4-264-FL-2003-300-15001 to 20000, as issued by the Climate Action Reserve, the program in which the reductions were legitimized.

The Climate Action Reserve is also an approved program under Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS), and projects registered on the Reserve are eligible for approval under the VCS and all CRTs issued by the Reserve (with the exception of some urban forestry projects) are eligible for conversion to VCUs and tracking on a VCS-approved registry. This makes CRTs attractive for international applications. No additional verification or approval is needed from VCS. More information on VCS is available at

Contact us for more information.